North Cotswold Schools Federation is determined that every pupil will learn to read, regardless of their background, needs or abilities.
Stories, poems, rhymes and non-fiction are chosen for reading to develop pupils’ vocabulary, language comprehension and a love of reading.
A detailed progression of how reading is taught can be found in the reading progression grid.
The reading scheme in our schools follow our phonics teaching sequence from 'Letters and Sounds'. We use colours to distinguish between the different levels of books, which match phonics phases, some phases are particularly large so there may be more than one colour band focused on the sounds from this stage.
Our books are ordered within each colour band to match the sequence phonics sounds have been taught. Children should be able to decode using the phonics they have be taught previously to read their book. If a book contains sounds or tricky words that have not be taught yet there will be a sticker on the front cover that says 'read this book together'. We ask you support your child/ren to read certain words and sounds that have not be taught yet.
Reading books will be changed 3 times a week, the specific days will be chosen by each class teacher. We would like you to encourage your child to re-read the books sent home three times. The three stages of reading a book to develop fluent readers are:
Decoding: the process of segmenting words into known sounds and blending them for meaning.
Prosody: reading fluency with appropriate pitch, pace, phrasing and expression.
Comprehension: taking meaning from the words and story line.
These steps are sequential and result in the children becoming fluent readers who are able to take meaning from the books they are reading. Fluent reading aids comprehension.