As Swell is part of the North Cotswold Academy Trust we have a directors board and also a Local Academy Committee. The LAC works closely with the school and alongside the school staff looks closely at curriculum, Church and Community.

We currently have 4 LAC members but are always on the look out for more members of our committee.

Each member has a specific area of responsibility in our LAC;

Co-Chairs- Karen Bullock and David Gillett

SIAMs- Karen Wellman and John Hollows

Safeguarding- John Hollows

SEND- Astrid Vaughan

Pupil Premium- David Gillett

Swell has a shared LAC with Cold Aston school. If you would like to contact any of the members of our LAC please email swelladmin@ncsf.school or coldastonadmin@ncsf.school for their contact details.

If you would like to find out more information about our Trust directors and Members please visit our Trust page


David Gillet

Co Chair

Pupil Premium Champion

Karen Bullock

Co Chair

Curriculum Champion

Astrid Vaughan

SEND Champion

Rev Karen Wellman

SIAMs Champion

John Hollows

Safeguarding and SIAMs Champion